Interviews can be very stressful. Many students use my Adult English Classes for Interview Prep Coaching and Interview Practice.
What kind of interview do you have? Is it for a job? Is it for a school or university? Is it to buy a co-op apartment? Is it to join a club? Is it to sign a new client? Together, we discuss the kind of interview and the kind of organization. Different circumstances have different needs.
I help you organize your ideas. I show you how to say them simply, clearly, with charm, and with impact. We practice the interview again and again until you are comfortable. I ask easy questions, difficult questions, obvious questions and surprising questions. We are like actors in a play.
The key to a good interview is to be yourself, to be natural. However, you can only be natural when you are relaxed. You can only be relaxed when you have practiced again and again.
After you do my Interview Prep Coaching you will be well prepared for any kind of interview. Afterwards, we will celebrate your success!
Course Levels and Structure
Here is the best advice for preparing for an interview: Be yourself!
That sounds easy, but it is not always easy to do. Why? Yes, you must always be yourself. But you must show the parts of yourself that are relevant to the subject of the interview.
Many students in my Interview Prep Coaching have interviews for college or graduate school. Others have job interviews. Parents come to me for Interview Prep Coaching when their children apply to schools. Very often, you must go for an interview to rent or buy an apartment. Immigration interviews are another specialty of mine.
The rules for good Interview Prep are the same as for any other English conversation. (Conversational English Lessons). The most important thing is to keep your English simple. Simple, short sentences are very clear and very elegant. You will always be O.K. with simple, clear English.
Practice Makes Perfect
The key to a good interview is to be comfortable with any question. In my Interview Prep Coaching, I ask you many questions. I ask ordinary questions, strange questions, easy questions, difficult questions. It will feel just like the real thing. This is called “role play.”
After my Interview Prep Coaching, you will become comfortable talking about anything that they can ask you in the interview. This will be both challenging and fun!
You will learn how to make your answers short and clear (this is similar to English Speech-Giving Lessons and English Presentation Skills). Here, also, conversational skills (Conversational English Lessons) and good pronunciation are very important (English Pronunciation Lessons). Interview skills are also another way to use your English Presentation Skills.
Your results will be polished and effective. When the real interview comes, you will show yourself to your best advantage.
1) Be sure to speak slowly! Many students speak much too fast! It is difficult to understand you when you speak too fast. Also, you do not have time to think about your vocabulary and the fundamentals of English grammar. Slow down! Speaking is not a race! LOL!
2) Be sure to say every letter and every syllable. In my Adult English Classes, you will learn how to give the correct “weight” to each letter and each syllable in a word. This will make your English clear and beautiful.
3) Remember this: The best English is the most simple English! You will always sound good with simple, short sentences. The best English is the clearest English.
4) Your two ears are your best teachers! Listen to everyone around you. The world is full of teachers. If people use words or expressions you do not understand, write them down and bring them to your next Adult English Class.
5) Relax and enjoy your English. A conversation in English is not a competition. Everybody has a different style. You have your own style. You could call it the “flavor” of your native language. It can make your English unique and beautiful.
Looking to enroll in an online English interview prep class? Our flexible scheduling and personalized lessons plans are tailored to meet your needs.
Start with a first FREE meeting to assess your language skills and then continue with personalized English lessons.
Please note: All bookings must be at least 48 hours in advanced.
All times mentioned are New York time (GMT -5).
New York is usually 6 to 7 hours earlier than Europe and Israel; 8 hours earlier than U.A.E.; 12 to 13 hours earlier than Seoul, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong. Use your phone’s “World Clock” settings to make sure.
I invite you to schedule a FREE INTRODUCTORY ZOOM MEETING. Let’s begin!